Boss Man

  • By – VI Keeland
  • Release Date – 16th July 2016
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Erotica, Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –


The first time I met Chase Parker, I didn’t exactly make a good impression.

I was hiding in the bathroom hallway of a restaurant, leaving a message for my best friend to save me from my awful date.

He overheard and told me I was a bitch, then proceeded to offer me some dating advice.

So I told him to mind his own damn business—his own tall, gorgeous, full-of-himself damn business—and went back to my miserable date.

When he walked by my table, he smirked, and I watched his arrogant, sexy ass walk back to his date.

I couldn’t help but sneak hidden glances at the condescending jerk on the other side of the room. Of course, he caught me on more than one occasion, and winked.

When the gorgeous stranger and his equally hot date suddenly appeared at our table, I thought he was going to rat me out.

But instead, he pretended we knew each other and joined us—telling elaborate, embarrassing stories about our fake childhood.

My date suddenly went from boring to bizarrely exciting.

When it was over and we parted ways, I thought about him more than I would ever admit, even though I knew I’d never see him again.

I mean, what were the chances I’d run into him again in a city with eight million people?
Then again…

What were the chances a month later he’d wind up being my new sexy boss?

My Review –

Let me get one thing straight, I love VI Keeland’s books. So, loving this book is also not an exception. I’ve read this book few years back and I’ve re-read it recently and I enjoyed it never-the-less.

“Bossman” as the name suggests is a romance between a boss and his employee. Technical when they first meet they did not have an employer-employee relationship. This is such a sexy, witty, funny and amazing book that I couldn’t stop myself from re-reading it.

Reese and Chase first meet in a restaurant when they were both on a date, with different people. And since I don’t want to spoil anything (if you haven’t read this yet, that is), that was the best part of the book for me. No matter how many times I think about it, that particular scene still manages to bring a smile on my face.

Reese is a strong, independent woman. She has her own issues. I loved how she was willing to fight her feeling towards Chase so as to not repeat the past mistakes she made.

Chase Parker, owner of the Parker Industry is an Alpha-male. VI Keeland is the queen of writing Alpha-male characters, and I happen to fall in love with each of them. Chase is so charming, sexy and funny that it is difficult not wanting to read more and more about him. And on top of that personality like his is what I want the male characters in the books I read. He does have some baggage but that makes him well, him.

The story continues and they meet again after some time. Reese happens to need a job and Chase helps her find one. And he has no clue that she is hired by his own company. Hence, begins their journey of challenges, temptations and love.

The tension and chemistry between Chase and Reese is evident from the very beginning. The way they describe each other when they meet for the first time proves it. I love it when there is chemistry and attraction between the leads from the very first. And what can I say about their banter, it was just soo entertaining.

Funny gif's and meme's to help pass the time - Page 184 — King Community

One thing that I really liked was the dynamic of their relationship. I agree that they had an instant attraction but they also wanted to know each other first. They wanted to connect with each other emotionally too and build a relationship. This is a sort of relationship that I want to see in books. I really like when the characters try to form a bond, other than just physical.

I really, really enjoyed this book. And I would want everybody to read it because trust me you will love Chase and Reese.

“If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders.”

The Rivals

  • By – VI Keeland
  • Release Date – 13th July 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –

The Rivals

The feud between Weston Lockwood and me started at the altar.

Only neither of us attended the wedding, and the nuptials happened decades before either of us was born.

Our grandfathers had been best friends and business partners, at least up until my grandfather’s wedding day—when his bride-to-be blurted out she couldn’t marry him because she was also in love with Weston‘s grandfather.

The two men spent years fighting over Grace Copeland, who also happened to be their third business partner.  But in the end, neither man could steal half of her heart away from the other.

Eventually, they all went their separate ways. Our grandfathers married other women, and the two men became one of the biggest business rivals in history.

Our fathers continued the family tradition of feuding. And then Weston and I did, too.

For the most part, we kept as much distance as possible.

Until the day the woman who started the feud died—and unexpectedly left one of the most valuable hotels in the world to our grandfathers to share.

Now I’m stuck in a hotel with the man I was born to hate, trying to unravel the mess our families inherited.

As usual, it didn’t take long for us to be at each other’s throats.

Weston Lockwood was everything I hated: tall, smart, cocky, and too gorgeous for his own good.  We were fire and ice. 

But that shouldn’t be an issue. Our families were used to being at war. There was just one minor problem, though. Every time Weston and I fought, we somehow wound up in bed. 

Review –

They were destined to hate each other from the moment they were born. The reason for the unending hate was a years old friendship turned enmity. The two of them never ever get along. Except one time, the one time that the both of them never seem to forget about.

Now, years later, here they are at The Countess, their job -competing for the one thing that the two families co-own, thanks to Grace Copeland.

What could go wrong, right?

What Could Possibly Go Wrong 11th GIF - WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong 11th  Doctor - Discover & Share GIFs

Their attraction and chemistry still prevails, stronger than ever.

Weston and Sophie argue. A. Lot. And each argument somehow brings them closer and closer. What was supposed to be a onetime thing, turns into something more? No matter how hard Sophie tries to resist Weston, she cannot help but develop feelings for him. No matter how much Weston thinks he doesn’t deserve Sophie, he cannot help but leave her alone.

Now Never Ends~: He was *so* checking her out ;)

I cannot stress enough on how much I love VI Keeland. I mean all of her books are power packed. The moment Weston was introduced I fell in love with him. Can you blame me though? Sophie and Weston’s banter was to die for. I loveeedd how he loved teasing her yet he was always there, having her back (unlike her own goddamn father). And their sexually tension could break ice.

I cannot imagine how VI Keeland comes up with such beautiful characters (inside and out). Take Weston for instance, under that entire bad boy, womanizer exterior, was a broken man. He was definitely not the arrogant person he pretends to be. And knowing his story, it broke my heart seeing him hurt.

Sophie on the other hand was a really strong woman. Despite of all the doubts and betrayal she got from the men in her life, she was hell bent on proving them wrong (and she did a pretty great job at that ).

Apart from all the drama and feelings this book was out right sexy. I mean aren’t all VI Keeland book though?

 This is a funny, sexy, emotional, enemies-to-lovers romance which is full of family drama. The hero and heroine are opposites and you know what they say about opposites and attraction. The story is told is dual perspective, which was soo damn helpful is understanding and connecting to the characters.

Weston struggles to find his place in his family and Sophie is determined to show her family who she exactly is. So can they find what they exactly need in each other?

“Before I met you, I had no purpose. It didn’t take long after you stormed into my life to realize the reason I’d been lost was because you hadn’t found me yet. My purpose in life is to love you.”