The Right Player

  • By – Kandi Steiner
  • Release Date – 14th September 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Sports Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –

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I have a three date rule — but it’s not what you think.

See, I’ve been told I’m the “good time girl,” not the one you take home to Mom. And while that label stung at first, I’ve since embraced it — living the wild and free life and sticking to a three date max. That’s just enough time to have some fun and snuff out the possibility of catching feelings. And it’s been working for me for years…

Until Makoa Kumaka.

Sadly, he also has a three date rule — and it’s the exact opposite of mine. From the second I meet him, all I can think about is stripping down that six-foot-five Herculean hunk of a man. But like the gentleman I wish he wasn’t, he’s making me wait.

The more time we spend together, the more I feel those pesky emotions creeping in. I’m even tempted to trust him, but blame it on my past or my instincts, I can’t shake the feeling that he’s hiding something…

I’ve been playing the game forever, and no man has ever won my heart — which meant they never had the power to break it.

But maybe I just hadn’t met the right player.

Maybe I’ll wish I never did. 

My Review –

I read “The Wrong Player” a few days back and since then I just wanted to read about Bella and see how she finds her “Happily Ever After.”

I know we all love reading about Bad boy romances because who doesn’t, right? But from time to time we all need a reminder that no matter how much we fantasize about a bad boy, we always crave a good man. And that is what Makoa actually is. OMG I cannot stress enough on what a gentleman he is.

Makoa is soo kind, sweet and a perfect gentleman. NO matter how many times Bella tried seducing him, or getting close to him, he always ALWAYS turned her down.

So, Makoa is a football player and Bella has sworn off of them. Hence, when these two meet Bella had no clue who he actually is. And Makoa due to his own reasons had hid from her about his career and profession. They then get close and the story takes off.

A major part of this book is about people and their past experiences. No matter how many years have passed our past still affects us. And Belle and Makoa carry that baggage with them.

Belle thinks she is not capable of love and Makoa is in search of love, true love.

Overall this was a good read. Funny, filled with cute moments, banters and tension between the characters.

“He looked at me like I was his everything, like we were stupid in love, like no matter what life handed us from that moment – we would make it.”

Spoiler Alert

  • By – Olivia Dade
  • Release Date – 6th October 2020
  • Series – Spoiler Alert 1
  • Genre – Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –


Marcus Caster-Rupp has a secret. While the world knows him as Aeneas, the star of the biggest show on TV, Gods of the Gates, he’s known to fanfiction readers as Book!AeneasWouldNever, an anonymous and popular poster.  Marcus is able to get out his own frustrations with his character through his stories, especially the ones that feature the internet’s favorite couple to ship, Aeneas and Lavinia. But if anyone ever found out about his online persona, he’d be fired. Immediately.

April Whittier has secrets of her own. A hardcore Lavinia fan, she’s hidden her fanfiction and cosplay hobby from her “real life” for years—but not anymore. When she decides to post her latest Lavinia creation on Twitter, her photo goes viral. Trolls and supporters alike are commenting on her plus-size take, but when Marcus, one half of her OTP, sees her pic and asks her out on a date to spite her critics, she realizes life is really stranger than fanfiction.

Even though their first date is a disaster, Marcus quickly realizes that he wants much more from April than a one-time publicity stunt. And when he discovers she’s actually Unapologetic Lavinia Stan, his closest fandom friend, he has one more huge secret to hide from her.

With love and Marcus’s career on the line, can the two of them stop hiding once and for all, or will a match made in fandom end up prematurely cancelled? 

My Review –

This was my first Olivia Dade book, and to be honest I really didn’t know what to expect of it. The synopsis was interesting and so I decided to give it a go.

This book follows Marcus and April.

Marcus Caster Rupp is an actor. He is the star of one of the most successful series called “Gods of the Gates.” People know Marcus as an actor, an actor who has nothing more to offer except his good looks.

But he also has a secret, he writes fan fiction about the character he plays, anonymously.

April Whittier is a freelance geologist. And also writes fan fiction, which are mostly romance, starring the character which Marcus plays on screen.

These two people meet when April is harassed online by some people. That is when Marcus steps in and takes her out on a date.

The first part of the book reminded me soo much of Tweet Cute, you know with the mystery of how the truth is gonna unfold and stuff. But as the story proceeds that seems a very petty issue (at least for me).

Marcus has dyslexia. And April deals with body issues.

I found this book to be more than just a romance book. It takes us through a journey of how people with dyslexia and body issues deal with it. How every step becomes a challenge for them and how they need to prove to the world and to themselves that they too are normal.

For me, the best parts in this story were these two characters – Marcus and April. They were soo believable and real. These are the people from daily lives, with issues that people genuinely face. I was so connected to them.

I really really recommend reading this, not just for the romance (although it is really good) but also see how these characters grow individually.

“If you truly love me in return, accept me as I am. If you can’t accept me as I am, maybe you need to rethink your definition of love.”

Tweet Cute

  • By – Emma Lord
  • Release Date – 21st January 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Young Adult, Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –

Tweet Cute

A fresh, irresistible rom-com from debut author Emma Lord about the chances we take, the paths life can lead us on, and how love can be found in the opposite place you expected.

Meet Pepper, swim team captain, chronic overachiever, and all-around perfectionist. Her family may be falling apart, but their massive fast-food chain is booming ― mainly thanks to Pepper, who is barely managing to juggle real life while secretly running Big League Burger’s massive Twitter account.

Enter Jack, class clown and constant thorn in Pepper’s side. When he isn’t trying to duck out of his obscenely popular twin’s shadow, he’s busy working in his family’s deli. His relationship with the business that holds his future might be love/hate, but when Big League Burger steals his grandma’s iconic grilled cheese recipe, he’ll do whatever it takes to take them down, one tweet at a time.

All’s fair in love and cheese ― that is, until Pepper and Jack’s spat turns into a viral Twitter war. Little do they know, while they’re publicly duking it out with snarky memes and retweet battles, they’re also falling for each other in real life ― on an anonymous chat app Jack built.

As their relationship deepens and their online shenanigans escalate ― people on the internet are shipping them?? ― their battle gets more and more personal, until even these two rivals can’t ignore they were destined for the most unexpected, awkward, all-the-feels romance that neither of them expected.

My Review –

This book was all that I hoped for and so much more too. I thought this book was going to be a normal high school romance and you know add in some mysterious pen pal thing. But when I read this, it was nothing that I thought the story was going to be about.

So, this is about Pepper and Jack, who are classmates, but hate each other, not only that but their families are also business rivals. Pepper’s family owns a fast food chain whereas Jack’s family owns a restaurant. And there is some feud going between them regarding “Grandma’s Grilled Cheese Sandwich”.

There is so much drama and fun going on in here, and that too all at the same damn time, but it was not over-bearing. Like At All. Rather it was very entertaining to watch all of it.

Each event was like drawing them closer and closer and I just couldn’t wait until all the things would fall into place.

Jack and Pepper and their relationships with their families were a major part of the book. Family is a very essential part of a person’s life and also their character. And seeing them with the family gave a major insight on who these characters are as a person.

One thing which I was curious about was how the identity reveals would take place and what impact it will have on jack and Pepper’s relationship/friendship. But it took a different turn altogether.

Their banter was to die for. I couldn’t put the book down. I was sooo happy with it, it gave me butterflies, really.

You know the atmosphere it created reminded me so much of my high school, the events and functions that all the students used to be a part of, the friends and also the crushes.

I know I was super late in reading this, but if you by any chance haven’t read this yet, please please read it right now.

“It’s weird, how you have no idea how far you’ve come until suddenly you can’t find the way back.”

The Worst Best Man

  • By – Mia Sosa
  • Release Date – 4th February 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –

Critically acclaimed author Mia Sosa delivers a sassy, steamy enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy about a woman whose new job requires her to work side-by-side with the best man who ruined her wedding: her ex-fiancé’s infuriating, irritating, annoyingly handsome brother. Perfect for fans of Jasmine Guillory, Helen Hoang, and Sally Thorne!

A wedding planner left at the altar. Yeah, the irony isn’t lost on Carolina Santos, either. But despite that embarrassing blip from her past, Lina’s managed to make other people’s dreams come true as a top-tier wedding coordinator in DC. After impressing an influential guest, she’s offered an opportunity that could change her life. There’s just one hitch… she has to collaborate with the best (make that worst) man from her own failed nuptials.

Tired of living in his older brother’s shadow, marketing expert Max Hartley is determined to make his mark with a coveted hotel client looking to expand its brand. Then he learns he’ll be working with his brother’s whip-smart, stunning—absolutely off-limits—ex-fiancée. And she loathes him.

If they can survive the next few weeks and nail their presentation without killing each other, they’ll both come out ahead. Except Max has been public enemy number one ever since he encouraged his brother to jilt the bride, and Lina’s ready to dish out a little payback of her own.

But even the best laid plans can go awry, and soon Lina and Max discover animosity may not be the only emotion creating sparks between them. Still, this star-crossed couple can never be more than temporary playmates because Lina isn’t interested in falling in love and Max refuses to play runner-up to his brother ever again…

My Review –

“The Worst Best Man” was everywhere when it came out, like seriously. I could see everyone talking about how much they loved it and what an adorable book it was, and also the amount of love the characters got was unbelievable. So, I finally, finally decided to read it a few days back, and to say that I loved it would be an understatement.

The story began taking us to the day of Lina and Andrew’s wedding. Apparently Andrew decided that he doesn’t want to marry Lina because of something Max said to him (in their drunken state) the night before.

Lina has hated Max ever since the wedding because he was responsible for what had happened that day. Though Max was sorrow for what he did, which he can’t seem to remember at all.

Let’s move forward to three years when Lina and Max have to now pair up for a job. Now, when I saw that they were supposed to pair and how they reacted to it, I found it refreshing. Max was desperate to prove himself, prove that he was doing well even if it is without his brother. And Lina was desperate for this job.

When I started the book I was actually no sure if I wanted to read further, I mean it was quite boring to me. But then there was the weekend, which changed everything, for them and for me. I found the story pick up from there at such a high rate. I loved it from there.

Lina and Max’s banter was there from the start. Like that was what kept me hooked in the beginning part. These two were snarky, funny and mean to each other, and I loved every moment of it.

“But I want companionship, the security of knowing someone has my back, the ability to comfort and be comforted. Friendship. Vacations. Maybe even kids one day. Someone solid. Predictable. A person who doesn’t need passion and sparks to build a lasting relationship. I don’t know that I’ll ever find that individual—and that makes me extraordinarily sad.”

Beach Read

  • By – Emily Henry
  • Release Date – 19th May 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –

Beach Read

A romance writer who no longer believes in love and a literary writer stuck in a rut engage in a summer-long challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters.

Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast.

They’re polar opposites.

In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they’re living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer’s block.

Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She’ll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he’ll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really. 

My Review –

This book got so much love and appreciation that it encouraged me to read this book even more. And I must say the love it got was well deserved.

I don’t know the reasons why other readers loved it, but I did because it taught me a lot of things. Firstly, who doesn’t want to read a romance between two writers? I mean an insider on what a writer goes through in forming, and writing a character, I would definitely want to know.

Secondly, it was so much more than just a romance book to me. These characters were in a quest to find solutions to their own problems, their own beliefs. It is so sad to see someone who loses reason with what they’ve always believed in.  I could connect so much January. Just like her I also believe in Happily Ever Afters, and to see her belief crumble down like this was soo heart breaking.

This book was something that turned out personal. I started reading because I believe in Happy Ending, and books give me that. So, seeing January loose her faith in Ever Afters, I broke down.

And Augustus, what can I say about him? His past is what defines him. But seeing him search for answers from when he was so young is shattering.

One more thing that I noticed this book highlighted was, that the actions of people close to us affect us in many ways. Bu it is up to us to let that shake what we truly believe and stand for. No matter what our close ones do, we must never let that affect our beliefs, just like Augustus and January.

I picked this because I wanted to read a cute romcom. But what it turned out was so much satisfying to me. I am going to remember this book forever. This book was so much more than just a story about fictional characters to me.

“If you think the story has a sad ending, it’s because it’s not over yet.”

Hurt Me (ARC Review)

  • By – C G Blaine
  • Release Date – 18th September 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –

After Eden Monroe’s ex dumps her, she decides not to cancel the romantic getaway they booked, wanting to waste his money like he wasted two years of her life. She never expects to go, but when he gets engaged to someone else, she packs her bags and boards the plane in need of an escape.

Except she’s not the only one.

Becker Donovan needs to lie low for a while. The farther away from his life, the better. So, after catching wind of an abandoned week at a luxury resort in paradise, he decides to claim it as his own. All he has to do is convince everyone he’s a rich douche for a few days. Easy enough.

Until the princess from the airport shows up to find out he conned his way into her hotel suite.

He should leave, but then Eden’s brother offers him a reason to stay.

Five days. Ten thousand dollars. All Beck has to do is keep the guys away from Eden.

Only when she needs him to play boyfriend, the guy who ends up with his hands all over her is him. It’s all pretend between them until it’s not. They fall hard and fast—completely.

But the problem with finding each other when taking a break from the real world is they eventually have to return to it. And once reality crashes back in, Eden and Beck realize they don’t exactly live in the same one. Not even close.

My Review –

Before getting into the review, I would like to bring to light that this review is definitely not biased by any sorts and is completely based on my thoughts and opinions of the book. That being clear, let’s get into the review.

Also, I am really glad to have received an arc for this book, because I really really liked this.

“Hurt Me” is about Eden and Becker. Eden is an “up-town girl” whereas Becker comes from the rougher side of life.

Eden comes from a rich family. Her father is a businessman and her elder brother is joining his father in the office. Her happiness lies with helping people and so she does various social works like raising funds. Becker has seen a harsh version of life. He does everything he can to support his family and his little sister, meanwhile studying hard.

Eden and Becker belong to two complete different worlds and yet find solace with each other.

Now, the first part of the story reminds me soo much of “The Unhoneymooners”.  I mean it had that perfect vacationing vibe. It gave out peaceful and positive atmosphere, which is much needed in the recent days.  The first half of the book though made me very giddy and happy for these two, it also made me wonder what problems they will be facing and how they would deal with them.

Coming to the second half of the book, it was definitely not what I had initially thought it to be. This was so realistic, well at least to me, that I found myself connecting with it even more. Now, by realistic I don’t mean problems that every other couple faces but something which people like these two can face when put together.

There were many things which interested me, but one that I kept me waiting was Becker’s mysteriousness. I found Becker to be a little mysterious, mysterious with what he does. Or maybe it was just me who couldn’t figure it out but anyway. So, that was intriguing enough for me.

If the first part was blissful and honeymoony (if that’s even a word), than the second part was definitely a slap to bring back to the reality.

I went into it pretty blindly and I enjoyed this very much.

“You really think I’m crazy?” she asks.

“Nah, baby. I call you that because you’re my crazy.”

Dear Ava

  • By – Ilsa Madden Mills
  • Release Date – 2nd February 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – New Adult, Contemporary romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –

Dear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills

The rich and popular Sharks rule at prestigious, ivy-covered Camden Prep. Once upon a time, I wanted to be part of their world–until they destroyed me.

The last thing I expected was an anonymous love letter from one of them.

Please. I hate every one of those rich jerks for what they did to me. The question is, which Shark is my secret admirer?

Knox, the scarred quarterback.
Dane, his twin brother.
Or Chance, the ex who dumped me. . .

Dear Ava,
Your eyes are the color of the Caribbean Sea.
Wait. That’s stupid.
What I really mean is, you look at me and I feel something REAL.

It’s been ten months since you were here, but I can’t forget you.
I’ve missed seeing you walk down the hall.
I’ve missed you cheering at my football games.
I’ve missed the smell of your hair.

And then everything fell apart the night of the kegger.

Don’t hate me because I’m a Shark.
I just want to make you mine.

Review –

The more I read Ilsa Madden Mills, the more I love her work.

“Dear Ava” has rendered me speechless by the end. The story is about Ava and Knox. The story is about how desperate Ava is to find out the truth alongside being there for her brother, and how Knox is there with her, taking care of her.

 The story begins with Ava waking up in the woods, all alone, with no memory of what had happened. That night and what had happened then is the major plot of the story.  Whatever had happened that night was the doing of one the shark members.

The story then continues ten months later with Ava coming back to Camden. She comes back to show everybody how strong she is and also because coming back would help her brother.

The more I proceeded with the story the more I thought about how mature the characters are for their age, in the sense that they deal with soo much in their lives.

Ava is an independent and strong willed girl. She is barely eighteen and with nobody to look after her. She studies, works and also looks after her brother (who has some mental issues). Knox is always there taking care of his brother and helping him deal with his problems, when he clearly has his demons to fight too.

The chemistry between Ava and Knox was from the moment they saw each other the first time, which we see in the flashbacks. There was an undeniable connection even when Ava was dating Knox’s best friend.

One thing that I loved about the book was you definitely should judge it by its cover. Seeing the cover I thought it would have many explicit scenes, but I was so wrong. They were very less and mild. Hence, you should judge a book by its cover.

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover GIFs | Tenor

Now, while reading the book I found the two main spotlights, namely, the romance between Ava and Knox and how Ava deals with the aftermath of what had happened to her.  She faces everybody headstrong and doesn’t take shit from people anymore, and in the way meets some real friends.

Let’s talk about what shook me the most – the ending. I did not see the ending coming that way, but Ilsa Madden Mills apparently finds ways to amaze me with her writing. Although I am a love seeing the couple together most of the time, I was glad the end happened the way it did (it is a happy ending if I am confusing y’all).

I loved the book and al is dynamics and I can’t wait to read more of the author’s work.

“Sometimes the loneliest place on earth is in the midst of a crowd”

Penthouse Prince

  • By – Kendall Ryan
  • Release Date – 31st August 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary romance

My Rating –

Two Star Rating Stock Illustrations, Images & Vectors | Shutterstock

Synopsis –

Penthouse Prince by Kendall Ryan

Lexington Dane was my brother’s best friend growing up.

We did everything together.

He taught me how to throw a punch, how to change a tire…and he taught me how to kiss. I fell hard and fast, and gave him all my firsts.

I promised I’d wait for him…

But I’m done waiting, because he went off to college and never came back. He took his fancy business degree and moved to New York City, where he promptly became a real estate mogul—turning every penthouse and apartment project he touched into gold.

It’s been ten years, and now he’s back and needs a favor…someone to watch his little girl. That’s right, the cocky penthouse prince and heartbreaker extraordinaire Lexington is back with an adorable two-year-old daughter. Guess who he wants to watch her?

I’ve never been able to say no to him. I might agree to be the nanny for his precious little angel, but there’s no way in hell I’m falling for her hot-as-sin daddy.

Review –

I have been a Kendall Ryan fan for as long as I remember because her books are my go to whenever I am confused about what to read next. So, you can guess how excited I was about Penthouse Prince. But, to my utter disappointed, this book just didn’t cut out for me.

I am in love with her “Hot Jocks” series, but this one just could not come to my likings.

So, the book is about Lexington and Corrigan. Lexington stays in NY City and works with the real estate and also has a two year old daughter. Corrigan is a first grade teacher and lives in North Carolina, their home town.

Lexington and Corrigan had history alright. They dated back in high school, all the while keeping it a secret from Dak (Corrigan’s brother and Lexington’s best friend). And now, he is back for good.

I thought Lexington was a very charming and mature character. You know, always there for his daughter and mother. Corrigan, to me, was rather a very simple character, invested in her own life.

They had chemistry, I agree. But, their chemistry didn’t make me swoon. It was meh for me. I couldn’t be bothered about them caring for each other. It was very fast paced and I finished it in an hour and half. I just could see the anticipation building here. And, I was actually waiting for the book to be over.

The themes in book were very nicely chosen though. It is a second chance romance, with the single dad and the brother’s best friend trope. So, if you like any of these you cold check this out.

There are many readers who actually enjoyed it very much, but I couldn’t find myself liking it, which is totally on me though.

” I fell hard and fast, and gave him all my firsts.

I promised I’d wait for him…

But I’m done waiting “

Dear Enemy

  • By – Kristen Callihan
  • Release Date – 31st March 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

5 Stars Transparent Background stock photos and royalty-free images,  vectors and illustrations | Adobe Stock

Synopsis –

Dear Enemy by Kristen Callihan

As kids, they hated each other. Macon Saint was beautiful, but despite his name, Delilah knew he was the devil. That he dated her slightly evil sister, Samantha, was no picnic either. When they broke up, it was a dream come true: Delilah never had to see him again.

Ten years later, her old enemy sends a text.

Delilah’s sister has stolen a valuable heirloom from Macon, now a rising Hollywood star, and he intends to collect his due. One problem: Sam has skipped town.

Sparks still sizzle between Macon and Delilah, only this heat feels alarmingly like unwanted attraction. But Delilah is desperate to keep her weak-hearted mother from learning of her sister’s theft. So she proposes a deal: she’ll pay off the debt by being Macon’s personal chef and assistant.

It’s a recipe for disaster, but Macon can’t stop himself from accepting. Even though Delilah clearly hates him, there’s something about her that feels like home. Besides, they’re no longer kids, and what once was a bitter rivalry has the potential to be something sweeter. Something like forever.

My Review –

There are some books which take a part of your heart without you knowing; this was one of those books for me. After reading this book I was so over-whelmed with emotions that I literally had to take a few moments to breathe.

Dear Enemy is a simple but a very strong book. I use the word “strong” because in very simple, easy words it makes you feel emotions. These are the emotions because of which I had primarily started reading. This book actually left me breathless after I completed reading it.

Macon and Delilah, they are such normal yet so unique characters. And I am damn sure that I will be remembering them for a really long time.

Macon was a hero (quite literally too). He had issues back at home, which explains his closed off behavior, which only Delilah could see through. Delilah on the other hand, was a ray of sunshine, bringing light where ever she went.

Macon was always mean to her, which kept Delilah wondering why. And their banters left her with scars of her own, which she carried through out.

Hence starts their hate-love journey. He and Delilah grew up together before they went their separate ways.

This book, especially their childhood part reminded me of “Vicious” by L.J.Shen. This is because Vicious and Macon was mean to Emilia and Delilah because of the very same reason. (So if you are looking for a book similar in that aspect please check that out).

Speaking of relationships between the two lead characters, it was really amusing. The love-hate relationship was no way average. I mean even Delilah’s mother could see that when they were younger.

I have to say this, that this is one of the really well written books I have ever read. There are not many smut scenes and that is perfect for this book particularly. This book is not just about the sexual tension between them, but the emotional tension. You could see that while reading the book that they crave each other more for emotional connections.

The anticipation in the book was so perfectly added. I am not a fan of slow burn romances because I cannot see the characters apart from each other for long, but boy did I love it in here.

I actually thought this is going to be another enemy to lover books but I was wrong in sooo many ways.

This has become one of my favorites and I would really, REALLY recommend and love if you give this book a shot.

“Loving you was inevitable you got under my skin at age elevn and never left.”

Not My Romeo

  • By – Ilsa Madden-Mills
  • Release Date – 18th August 2020
  • Series – The Game Changers 1
  • Genre – New Adult, Contemporary romance

My Rating –

Three And A Half Star Rating Illustration Vector Royalty Free Cliparts,  Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 125231318.

Synopsis –

We start off with a lie on Valentine’s Day.

My blind date isn’t the studious guy I expected: he’s a drop-dead gorgeous player with sinful amber eyes. Somehow we end up at his penthouse. I blame the gin and tonic.

The next day I learn he’s Jack Hawke—bad-boy professional quarterback with a murky past. The NDA he has me sign should be a warning that he isn’t a regular person. Please. I sign it Juliet Capulet, so goodbye, famous football player with abs of steel, and good luck tracking down this small-town librarian.

But Jack keeps showing up in places I least expect him. Just when I’m sure he’s gone, he waltzes into my community theater and wins the part of Romeo to my Juliet. How’s a plain, mostly innocent girl like me supposed to resist a man like him?

Is Jack my real Romeo… or will this gorgeous football player only break my heart?

Review –

Can I just start off with how much I enjoyed this book? This is the first time I am reading Ilsa Madden-Mills and it was really worth the time. I pretty much went in without expecting anything and after reading this I can’t wait to start another work by her.

This book is about Elena Riley and Jack Hawke. Elena is a small town girl whereas Jack is a football player, a quarterback. Elena has no clue about Jack and what he does and mistakes him for somebody else, which he finds intriguing. They somehow end up together on a Valentine’s evening, and their story takes off from there. How this mistaken identity is revealed was rather amusing to watch.

The characters in this book have layers and layers to them. Jack had a past (typical, I know) which is now messing up his present and future. And Elena has inferiority issues, which had taken even more effect after her sister event.

The sparks and chemistry between the male and female lead was obviously there. Jack is very protective of Elena from the very beginning. And to see his friends get a rise out of him was hilarious. But, I actually found it a tad bit annoying that their insecurities and doubts were more important than their feelings. I mean, I would have loved to see more and more of them together as a happy couple.

There is a lot of drama going on in the book. The family drama, the ex’s drama, the tension between the lead characters rather adds more spices to the book.

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Can we please talk about the title of the book? Now, the synopsis actually mentions a play and them being Romeo and Juliet in it. There are actually no loose ends about how they end up with the parts, but I wanted to see more of the play scenes. I would have enjoyed the book a lot more if there were more practice scenes, if we could get more of them being Romeo and Juliet and their chemistry on stage.

Now, the ending was not how I expected it to be. I thought the ending would be a lot more dramatic (I am sucker for drama though), but it was funny to see Jack acting on instincts and winning Elena back.

“People feel how they feel. You can’t change that.”