Good Gone Bad

  • By – Giana Darling
  • Release Date – 17th December 2018
  • Series – The fallen Men 3
  • Genre – MC Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –

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They say one action doesn’t define you.
I killed a man. Stabbed him in the neck and licked the blood off my lips after I did it.
Still, one action doesn’t define you.
I could have called anyone. My father, the Prez of The Fallen MC, our family lawyer, my best friend, Lila, or my brother, King.
I didn’t.
Instead, I called Lionel Danner, the police officer renowned for taking down the Nightstalkers MC. The man who had been my father’s arch nemesis for decades. The man who hated everything I stood for. A man who had disappeared from my life without explanation three years ago.
I called him.
And maybe one action doesn’t define you, but killing a bad man and calling in the good changed my life and it sure as hell changed his.

The third book in the Fallen Men series. A standalone featuring Harleigh Rose and Officer Lionel Danner. 

My Review –

I am soo mad at myself for not picking this book earlier, simply because I was not a fan of Lion before. Yes, and I already hate myself for it. Thank you very much.

When Inked In Lies was released I had to read this to catch up with the whole series. And boy did this book do a number on me. I can now, very confidently say that Lion and H R are my favorite Fallen Couple. And no one can bear that. Period.

Lion Danner is a police officer. He is a good guy, follows rules and laws. But what he is inside a lot more different.

Harleigh Rose is the MC Princess, daughter of Zeus, the prez. She is a badass who knows what she wants and gets it.

These two very vivid yet soo similar characters come together when HR is in trouble and calls for his help. One would think she would ask her brotherhood, her family for help, but that’s not HR and her Lion.

The moment I started reading this, I was a goner. Never have I regretted not reading a book soo much than this. Giana Darling has crossed all levels of hotness and steaminess in Good Gone Bad and I love it.

HR and Lion are soo perfect for each other. I was hooked from the first page itself. Their relationship is filled with love, compassion and passion and hotness, definitely hotness.

If you haven’t read this yet, you have to, now. Like right now. NOW. Or else you will regret it, just like I did.

Aww GIFs | Tenor

Ugh I am soooooo in loveee with Lion and his Rose.  

“You could tempt a saint into sinning.”