I Dare You

  • By – Ilsa Madden Mils
  • Release Date – 5th April 2018
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – New Adult, Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Synopsis –

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Badass Athlete: I dare you to…
Delaney Shaw: Who is this?

The late night text is random, but “Badass Athlete” sure seems to know who she is…

Delaney Shaw.
Good girl.
Lover of fluffy kitties and Star Wars.

His dare? Spend one night in his bed—a night he promises will be unforgettable—and she can solve the mystery of who he is.

She knows she shouldn’t, but what else is she going to do with her boring Valentine’s Day?

One sexy hook-up later, her mind is blown and the secret’s out.

Maverick Monroe.
Bad boy.
The most talented football player in the country.
Just ask him.

Too bad for him Delaney’s sworn off dating athletes forever after her last heartbreak.

But Maverick wants more than one night and refuses to give up on winning Delaney’s heart. She isn’t one to be fazed by a set of broad shoulders.

Will the bad boy land the nerd girl or will the secrets they keep from each other separate them forever?

My Review –

Okay!!!! So I read this book a couple of weeks before and it still manages to bring a smile on my face, like I am legit smiling right now while writing this.

There is only one word that could sum up everything about this book ADORABLE.

This is about Maverick and Delaney, who are college students. Maverick is an athlete whereas Delaney is the nerd, the good girl of the college. Their story begins as the y share a kiss in the campfire.

Now, to be honest this is a typical story about a nerd and a bad boy falling in love. What amazed me throughout this book was, this in so many levels reminded me of all the watt pad stories I’ve read. It’s too cute.

Delaney and Maverick’s texts are highly entertaining, like you will seriously fall in love with maverick after reading this.

Honestly speaking this book is entertaining, but all the extra stars and love goes to Maverick. He is really adorable.

“Where are your balls, Delaney? WHERE ARE THEY?”

The Happy Ever After Playlist

  • By – Abby Jimenez
  • Release Date – 14th April 2020
  • Series – The Friend Zone 2
  • Genre – Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –

The Happy Ever After Playlist

Two years after losing her fiancé, Sloan Monroe still can’t seem to get her life back on track. But one trouble-making pup with a “take me home” look in his eyes is about to change everything. With her new pet by her side, Sloan finally starts to feel more like herself. Then, after weeks of unanswered texts, Tucker’s owner reaches out. He’s a musician on tour in Australia. And bottom line: He wants Tucker back.

Well, Sloan’s not about to give up her dog without a fight. But what if this Jason guy really loves Tucker? As their flirty texts turn into long calls, Sloan can’t deny a connection. Jason is hot and nice and funny. There’s no telling what could happen when they meet in person. The question is: With his music career on the rise, how long will Jason really stick around? And is it possible for Sloan to survive another heartbreak?

My Review –

The sole reason why I even read this book in the first place is because after what had happened to her in the first book I couldn’t help want her happy ending as well.

Sloan lost her fiancé two years ago in an accident and since then she hasn’t been herself. Her best friends, Kristen and Josh, are taking care of her. Jason, on the other hand is a singer, who needs to focus on his career at the moment.

They met in the cutest way possible, like that was it for me. Jason’s dog jumped into Sloan’s car in the middle of the street one evening. And from here took off their love story.

The first part of the book was very, very cute and adorable. Like it was very light hearted, their flirting and talks and banter were very entertaining. I was like shipping their relationship from the moment Tucker (Jason’s dog) met Sloan. It was that cute.

Sloan was alone and grieving for a long time so she was a little hesitant at first, but none the less she did give Jason and their relationship a shot. Jason, though loved his career as a singer, did not love the lifestyle it brought.

The second half of the book was a bit intense and emotional compared to the first. The first half was all meet cute and adorable. But now, they had real issues to deal with. With Jason’s career on full fledge and their love blooming too, to manage that was a little challenge for them.

To sum it all up, it was a great read. I would really suggest people to read it. And if, you are judging it on the basis of The Friend Zone, please don’t. I hope you give it a try, and you’ll enjoy it.

“Sometimes the hardest place to live is the one in-between.”

The Right Player

  • By – Kandi Steiner
  • Release Date – 14th September 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Sports Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –

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I have a three date rule — but it’s not what you think.

See, I’ve been told I’m the “good time girl,” not the one you take home to Mom. And while that label stung at first, I’ve since embraced it — living the wild and free life and sticking to a three date max. That’s just enough time to have some fun and snuff out the possibility of catching feelings. And it’s been working for me for years…

Until Makoa Kumaka.

Sadly, he also has a three date rule — and it’s the exact opposite of mine. From the second I meet him, all I can think about is stripping down that six-foot-five Herculean hunk of a man. But like the gentleman I wish he wasn’t, he’s making me wait.

The more time we spend together, the more I feel those pesky emotions creeping in. I’m even tempted to trust him, but blame it on my past or my instincts, I can’t shake the feeling that he’s hiding something…

I’ve been playing the game forever, and no man has ever won my heart — which meant they never had the power to break it.

But maybe I just hadn’t met the right player.

Maybe I’ll wish I never did. 

My Review –

I read “The Wrong Player” a few days back and since then I just wanted to read about Bella and see how she finds her “Happily Ever After.”

I know we all love reading about Bad boy romances because who doesn’t, right? But from time to time we all need a reminder that no matter how much we fantasize about a bad boy, we always crave a good man. And that is what Makoa actually is. OMG I cannot stress enough on what a gentleman he is.

Makoa is soo kind, sweet and a perfect gentleman. NO matter how many times Bella tried seducing him, or getting close to him, he always ALWAYS turned her down.

So, Makoa is a football player and Bella has sworn off of them. Hence, when these two meet Bella had no clue who he actually is. And Makoa due to his own reasons had hid from her about his career and profession. They then get close and the story takes off.

A major part of this book is about people and their past experiences. No matter how many years have passed our past still affects us. And Belle and Makoa carry that baggage with them.

Belle thinks she is not capable of love and Makoa is in search of love, true love.

Overall this was a good read. Funny, filled with cute moments, banters and tension between the characters.

“He looked at me like I was his everything, like we were stupid in love, like no matter what life handed us from that moment – we would make it.”

Spoiler Alert

  • By – Olivia Dade
  • Release Date – 6th October 2020
  • Series – Spoiler Alert 1
  • Genre – Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –


Marcus Caster-Rupp has a secret. While the world knows him as Aeneas, the star of the biggest show on TV, Gods of the Gates, he’s known to fanfiction readers as Book!AeneasWouldNever, an anonymous and popular poster.  Marcus is able to get out his own frustrations with his character through his stories, especially the ones that feature the internet’s favorite couple to ship, Aeneas and Lavinia. But if anyone ever found out about his online persona, he’d be fired. Immediately.

April Whittier has secrets of her own. A hardcore Lavinia fan, she’s hidden her fanfiction and cosplay hobby from her “real life” for years—but not anymore. When she decides to post her latest Lavinia creation on Twitter, her photo goes viral. Trolls and supporters alike are commenting on her plus-size take, but when Marcus, one half of her OTP, sees her pic and asks her out on a date to spite her critics, she realizes life is really stranger than fanfiction.

Even though their first date is a disaster, Marcus quickly realizes that he wants much more from April than a one-time publicity stunt. And when he discovers she’s actually Unapologetic Lavinia Stan, his closest fandom friend, he has one more huge secret to hide from her.

With love and Marcus’s career on the line, can the two of them stop hiding once and for all, or will a match made in fandom end up prematurely cancelled? 

My Review –

This was my first Olivia Dade book, and to be honest I really didn’t know what to expect of it. The synopsis was interesting and so I decided to give it a go.

This book follows Marcus and April.

Marcus Caster Rupp is an actor. He is the star of one of the most successful series called “Gods of the Gates.” People know Marcus as an actor, an actor who has nothing more to offer except his good looks.

But he also has a secret, he writes fan fiction about the character he plays, anonymously.

April Whittier is a freelance geologist. And also writes fan fiction, which are mostly romance, starring the character which Marcus plays on screen.

These two people meet when April is harassed online by some people. That is when Marcus steps in and takes her out on a date.

The first part of the book reminded me soo much of Tweet Cute, you know with the mystery of how the truth is gonna unfold and stuff. But as the story proceeds that seems a very petty issue (at least for me).

Marcus has dyslexia. And April deals with body issues.

I found this book to be more than just a romance book. It takes us through a journey of how people with dyslexia and body issues deal with it. How every step becomes a challenge for them and how they need to prove to the world and to themselves that they too are normal.

For me, the best parts in this story were these two characters – Marcus and April. They were soo believable and real. These are the people from daily lives, with issues that people genuinely face. I was so connected to them.

I really really recommend reading this, not just for the romance (although it is really good) but also see how these characters grow individually.

“If you truly love me in return, accept me as I am. If you can’t accept me as I am, maybe you need to rethink your definition of love.”

The Friend Zone

  • By – Abby Jimenez
  • Release Date – 11th June 2019
  • Series – The Friend Zone 1
  • Genre – Romantic – Comedy

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –

The Friend Zone

Kristen Petersen doesn’t do drama, will fight to the death for her friends, and has no room in her life for guys who just don’t get her. She’s also keeping a big secret: facing a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children.

Planning her best friend’s wedding is bittersweet for Kristen—especially when she meets the best man, Josh Copeland. He’s funny, sexy, never offended by her mile-wide streak of sarcasm, and always one chicken enchilada ahead of her hangry. Even her dog, Stuntman Mike, adores him. The only catch: Josh wants a big family someday. Kristen knows he’d be better off with someone else, but as their attraction grows, it’s harder and harder to keep him at arm’s length.

The Friend Zone will have you laughing one moment and grabbing for tissues the next as it tackles the realities of infertility and loss with wit, heart, and a lot of sass.

My Review –

The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez is a rom-com about Kristen and Josh. Kristen and Josh is the bride’s maid and the best man in their best friend’s wedding. The first time they meet is so cute, like a typical rom com. There is instant spark and connection between them and see them form a bond is exciting.

The main issue here is Kristen’s condition, which makes her infertile to have kids. Josh on the other hand, wants a lot of kids. He loves having a huge family and the idea of adopting kids doesn’t interest him. Though Kristen also wants to have kids, but her condition wouldn’t allow her so.

I love books having wedding scenes and events. And this books starts with all the planning and events of the wedding and it was so cute.

When I started this book I went in thinking it will be a sweet book with slight issues between the couple. But, the book did not lack in the emotional aspect as well.

The author mentioned that one of her friend did face Kristen’s condition. The hardships Kristen faced due to this condition were soo well depicted.

I found josh’s character very sweet. He was so understanding and compassionate towards Kristen. Not once did he push Kristen into something which she didn’t want to.

This book to me was very sweet and cute but also very emotional. It dealt with real issues that people face and how they feel while going through such phase.

“I’d found my person.

She was the foundation. She was the thing that all other things are built on. Everything was secondary to being with her. It didn’t matter where I worked or if I liked my job, where I lived or how many kids I had. My happiness, my sanity, my well-being – it all started with her. And now that I knew that, I didn’t want to just be her boyfriend – I wanted everything.”

Tweet Cute

  • By – Emma Lord
  • Release Date – 21st January 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Young Adult, Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –

Tweet Cute

A fresh, irresistible rom-com from debut author Emma Lord about the chances we take, the paths life can lead us on, and how love can be found in the opposite place you expected.

Meet Pepper, swim team captain, chronic overachiever, and all-around perfectionist. Her family may be falling apart, but their massive fast-food chain is booming ― mainly thanks to Pepper, who is barely managing to juggle real life while secretly running Big League Burger’s massive Twitter account.

Enter Jack, class clown and constant thorn in Pepper’s side. When he isn’t trying to duck out of his obscenely popular twin’s shadow, he’s busy working in his family’s deli. His relationship with the business that holds his future might be love/hate, but when Big League Burger steals his grandma’s iconic grilled cheese recipe, he’ll do whatever it takes to take them down, one tweet at a time.

All’s fair in love and cheese ― that is, until Pepper and Jack’s spat turns into a viral Twitter war. Little do they know, while they’re publicly duking it out with snarky memes and retweet battles, they’re also falling for each other in real life ― on an anonymous chat app Jack built.

As their relationship deepens and their online shenanigans escalate ― people on the internet are shipping them?? ― their battle gets more and more personal, until even these two rivals can’t ignore they were destined for the most unexpected, awkward, all-the-feels romance that neither of them expected.

My Review –

This book was all that I hoped for and so much more too. I thought this book was going to be a normal high school romance and you know add in some mysterious pen pal thing. But when I read this, it was nothing that I thought the story was going to be about.

So, this is about Pepper and Jack, who are classmates, but hate each other, not only that but their families are also business rivals. Pepper’s family owns a fast food chain whereas Jack’s family owns a restaurant. And there is some feud going between them regarding “Grandma’s Grilled Cheese Sandwich”.

There is so much drama and fun going on in here, and that too all at the same damn time, but it was not over-bearing. Like At All. Rather it was very entertaining to watch all of it.

Each event was like drawing them closer and closer and I just couldn’t wait until all the things would fall into place.

Jack and Pepper and their relationships with their families were a major part of the book. Family is a very essential part of a person’s life and also their character. And seeing them with the family gave a major insight on who these characters are as a person.

One thing which I was curious about was how the identity reveals would take place and what impact it will have on jack and Pepper’s relationship/friendship. But it took a different turn altogether.

Their banter was to die for. I couldn’t put the book down. I was sooo happy with it, it gave me butterflies, really.

You know the atmosphere it created reminded me so much of my high school, the events and functions that all the students used to be a part of, the friends and also the crushes.

I know I was super late in reading this, but if you by any chance haven’t read this yet, please please read it right now.

“It’s weird, how you have no idea how far you’ve come until suddenly you can’t find the way back.”

The Worst Best Man

  • By – Mia Sosa
  • Release Date – 4th February 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –

Critically acclaimed author Mia Sosa delivers a sassy, steamy enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy about a woman whose new job requires her to work side-by-side with the best man who ruined her wedding: her ex-fiancé’s infuriating, irritating, annoyingly handsome brother. Perfect for fans of Jasmine Guillory, Helen Hoang, and Sally Thorne!

A wedding planner left at the altar. Yeah, the irony isn’t lost on Carolina Santos, either. But despite that embarrassing blip from her past, Lina’s managed to make other people’s dreams come true as a top-tier wedding coordinator in DC. After impressing an influential guest, she’s offered an opportunity that could change her life. There’s just one hitch… she has to collaborate with the best (make that worst) man from her own failed nuptials.

Tired of living in his older brother’s shadow, marketing expert Max Hartley is determined to make his mark with a coveted hotel client looking to expand its brand. Then he learns he’ll be working with his brother’s whip-smart, stunning—absolutely off-limits—ex-fiancée. And she loathes him.

If they can survive the next few weeks and nail their presentation without killing each other, they’ll both come out ahead. Except Max has been public enemy number one ever since he encouraged his brother to jilt the bride, and Lina’s ready to dish out a little payback of her own.

But even the best laid plans can go awry, and soon Lina and Max discover animosity may not be the only emotion creating sparks between them. Still, this star-crossed couple can never be more than temporary playmates because Lina isn’t interested in falling in love and Max refuses to play runner-up to his brother ever again…

My Review –

“The Worst Best Man” was everywhere when it came out, like seriously. I could see everyone talking about how much they loved it and what an adorable book it was, and also the amount of love the characters got was unbelievable. So, I finally, finally decided to read it a few days back, and to say that I loved it would be an understatement.

The story began taking us to the day of Lina and Andrew’s wedding. Apparently Andrew decided that he doesn’t want to marry Lina because of something Max said to him (in their drunken state) the night before.

Lina has hated Max ever since the wedding because he was responsible for what had happened that day. Though Max was sorrow for what he did, which he can’t seem to remember at all.

Let’s move forward to three years when Lina and Max have to now pair up for a job. Now, when I saw that they were supposed to pair and how they reacted to it, I found it refreshing. Max was desperate to prove himself, prove that he was doing well even if it is without his brother. And Lina was desperate for this job.

When I started the book I was actually no sure if I wanted to read further, I mean it was quite boring to me. But then there was the weekend, which changed everything, for them and for me. I found the story pick up from there at such a high rate. I loved it from there.

Lina and Max’s banter was there from the start. Like that was what kept me hooked in the beginning part. These two were snarky, funny and mean to each other, and I loved every moment of it.

“But I want companionship, the security of knowing someone has my back, the ability to comfort and be comforted. Friendship. Vacations. Maybe even kids one day. Someone solid. Predictable. A person who doesn’t need passion and sparks to build a lasting relationship. I don’t know that I’ll ever find that individual—and that makes me extraordinarily sad.”

Beach Read

  • By – Emily Henry
  • Release Date – 19th May 2020
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –

Beach Read

A romance writer who no longer believes in love and a literary writer stuck in a rut engage in a summer-long challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters.

Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast.

They’re polar opposites.

In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they’re living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer’s block.

Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She’ll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he’ll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really. 

My Review –

This book got so much love and appreciation that it encouraged me to read this book even more. And I must say the love it got was well deserved.

I don’t know the reasons why other readers loved it, but I did because it taught me a lot of things. Firstly, who doesn’t want to read a romance between two writers? I mean an insider on what a writer goes through in forming, and writing a character, I would definitely want to know.

Secondly, it was so much more than just a romance book to me. These characters were in a quest to find solutions to their own problems, their own beliefs. It is so sad to see someone who loses reason with what they’ve always believed in.  I could connect so much January. Just like her I also believe in Happily Ever Afters, and to see her belief crumble down like this was soo heart breaking.

This book was something that turned out personal. I started reading because I believe in Happy Ending, and books give me that. So, seeing January loose her faith in Ever Afters, I broke down.

And Augustus, what can I say about him? His past is what defines him. But seeing him search for answers from when he was so young is shattering.

One more thing that I noticed this book highlighted was, that the actions of people close to us affect us in many ways. Bu it is up to us to let that shake what we truly believe and stand for. No matter what our close ones do, we must never let that affect our beliefs, just like Augustus and January.

I picked this because I wanted to read a cute romcom. But what it turned out was so much satisfying to me. I am going to remember this book forever. This book was so much more than just a story about fictional characters to me.

“If you think the story has a sad ending, it’s because it’s not over yet.”

The Wrong Game

  • By – Kandi Steiner
  • Release Date – 6th October 2018
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Contemporary sports romance

My Rating –

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Synopsis –

The Wrong Game

Two season tickets.
One genius idea.
Zero interest in a relationship.

The plan is simple: a brand new, hot, preferably funny, definitely single male will fill one of those seats for every Bears game at Soldier Field. And I’ll fill the other.

I can’t think of a better way to use the season passes I’d bought for my ex-husband. I am a woman of plans, and this one’s foolproof.

Until Zach Bowen offers to be my practice round.

He’s infuriating. Presumptuous and overbearing. And absolutely, undeniably gorgeous. Any woman with a heartbeat would be attracted to him, and mine picks up speed every time he speaks.

But as I said, I’m a woman of plans — and I’m not backing down on this one.

One night. One game. And then, his time’s up.

He can try to change the rules, but here’s the truth: he can’t win if he’s playing the wrong game.

My Review –

“The Wrong Game” just gave me the fun and enjoyable vibe from the beginning. It was sweet and funny most of the times but got a little intense at some points.

The story is about Gemma and Zack. Gemma is a widow who very recently lost her husband to cancer. She likes having control of things and works better when plans ahead.

We move forward and see her making a “plan”. A plan where she decides to take a new man with her to the football games, the game where she wanted to take her husband before finding out about his affair and cancer.

That’s when she meets Zack, the bartender. Zack feels a connection with her from the moment he sees her sliding into the bar stool. So, he offers to be her practice date to the first match. And hence takes off their story.

I found these two characters very well written. They were realistic, at least to me that I wanted to read more and more about them. They were sweet and emotional and yet soo complex. They were the perfect depiction of how people are. While reading about them and their story I felt drawn to them in an emotional way.

Another point that made this book ever more enjoyable for me was their separate lives. By this I mean their individual parts, their relationships with their respective families and friends. I love it when families and friends are greatly involved in a story. It was sweet and adorable watching how much Zack respected his family and how much he was willing and already had sacrificed for them. It spoke a lot about his character when the opinions of his family about Gemma mattered to him.

I loved the dynamics of this book. It was good to watch how much the characters cared for each other but at the same time did what made them happy and did not sacrifice even a bit in that area.

After reading this I am actually really happy. There are some books that just lift you and your mood up while and after reading it, and this is one of them.

“They’re both a little crazy , both a little messed up. But they’re choosing to be messed up together.”

Boss Man

  • By – VI Keeland
  • Release Date – 16th July 2016
  • Series – Standalone
  • Genre – Erotica, Contemporary Romance

My Rating –

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Synopsis –


The first time I met Chase Parker, I didn’t exactly make a good impression.

I was hiding in the bathroom hallway of a restaurant, leaving a message for my best friend to save me from my awful date.

He overheard and told me I was a bitch, then proceeded to offer me some dating advice.

So I told him to mind his own damn business—his own tall, gorgeous, full-of-himself damn business—and went back to my miserable date.

When he walked by my table, he smirked, and I watched his arrogant, sexy ass walk back to his date.

I couldn’t help but sneak hidden glances at the condescending jerk on the other side of the room. Of course, he caught me on more than one occasion, and winked.

When the gorgeous stranger and his equally hot date suddenly appeared at our table, I thought he was going to rat me out.

But instead, he pretended we knew each other and joined us—telling elaborate, embarrassing stories about our fake childhood.

My date suddenly went from boring to bizarrely exciting.

When it was over and we parted ways, I thought about him more than I would ever admit, even though I knew I’d never see him again.

I mean, what were the chances I’d run into him again in a city with eight million people?
Then again…

What were the chances a month later he’d wind up being my new sexy boss?

My Review –

Let me get one thing straight, I love VI Keeland’s books. So, loving this book is also not an exception. I’ve read this book few years back and I’ve re-read it recently and I enjoyed it never-the-less.

“Bossman” as the name suggests is a romance between a boss and his employee. Technical when they first meet they did not have an employer-employee relationship. This is such a sexy, witty, funny and amazing book that I couldn’t stop myself from re-reading it.

Reese and Chase first meet in a restaurant when they were both on a date, with different people. And since I don’t want to spoil anything (if you haven’t read this yet, that is), that was the best part of the book for me. No matter how many times I think about it, that particular scene still manages to bring a smile on my face.

Reese is a strong, independent woman. She has her own issues. I loved how she was willing to fight her feeling towards Chase so as to not repeat the past mistakes she made.

Chase Parker, owner of the Parker Industry is an Alpha-male. VI Keeland is the queen of writing Alpha-male characters, and I happen to fall in love with each of them. Chase is so charming, sexy and funny that it is difficult not wanting to read more and more about him. And on top of that personality like his is what I want the male characters in the books I read. He does have some baggage but that makes him well, him.

The story continues and they meet again after some time. Reese happens to need a job and Chase helps her find one. And he has no clue that she is hired by his own company. Hence, begins their journey of challenges, temptations and love.

The tension and chemistry between Chase and Reese is evident from the very beginning. The way they describe each other when they meet for the first time proves it. I love it when there is chemistry and attraction between the leads from the very first. And what can I say about their banter, it was just soo entertaining.

Funny gif's and meme's to help pass the time - Page 184 — King Community

One thing that I really liked was the dynamic of their relationship. I agree that they had an instant attraction but they also wanted to know each other first. They wanted to connect with each other emotionally too and build a relationship. This is a sort of relationship that I want to see in books. I really like when the characters try to form a bond, other than just physical.

I really, really enjoyed this book. And I would want everybody to read it because trust me you will love Chase and Reese.

“If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders.”